
Exhibitions 2021 - now

Sunstars/Sunbursts (June 2024)
Feb'24: Sunstars
Stairs (June 2023)
June 2023: Stairs
Bicycles (November 2022)
November'22: Bicycles
Dinghies (June 2022)
June 2022: Dinghies
Modern Architecture - Museums (February 2022)
Feb'22: Museums
Silhouettes (October 2021)
October'21: Silhouettes
July 2021: Birds
July 2021: Birds

In the Exhibitions part of this site photos will be shown not sorted by the geographic region like in the gallery part, but by subject. Also photos that are not yet published (due to e.g. a lag of space in the respective index file or due to the fact that they do not really belong to a certain geographic region) will be shown. There are also exhibitions from the years 2016 - 2021, 2011 - 2016 and 2006 - 2011.